Monday, February 16, 2015

An ode to my husband and his challenge

Today Jeff made me go to the gym and made me get on a treadmill...I was less than enthused about it.
Not sweat he's wiping off

But, because of him I made the daily miles I need to keep at my ambitious goal and so I thank him. (Kind of.) But, really I have A LOT to thank him for.

My last seizure was February 21st, 2001. I met Jeff on June 26th, 2001. By that knowledge, he has never witnessed one of my seizures. Unlike my parents or my brother, he wasn't with me during those hard times of trying to balance life and seizures. But, I can honestly say that Jeff has been with me through some of the hardest times living with my Epilepsy.

How is this possible?

He was right by my side as doctors poked and prodded me for many years determining whether I could get pregnant. And then for the months I was pregnant - he was there for endless appointments assuring me that everything was "normal".  And after we had a wonderfully healthy beautiful baby - he was there when my medicine went wacko and we were told that it was ill-advised for us to try and conceive again.

Then he was there for SEVEN medicine changes to try and find a new medicine fit and all the lovely side effects that come with them - including the hospital visit for the life-threatening rash and the extreme weight loss. (Just to mention a few.)

And, he's there every time I say "I'm feeling a little strange" and he squeezes my hand and says "tell me how" and somehow I feel less strange.

And then there was today when after everything he's done and all the miraculous amazing things we do and overcome he tells me, "you know, I'm walking those 2,015 miles too."

AND HE'S ALREADY BEATING ME! (I need to up my game.)

Seriously how cute is he?!?

Now comes the embarrassing part...
Jeff's TOTAL MILES: 230 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I walked 56 miles this month.